Here are the 10 wacky, witty, and unforgettable phrases moms say and what they actually mean.
10. “Do you think your socks are going to pick themselves up?” Learning to clean up after yourself really teaches you how to appreciate all the hard work your mom had to endure when you were a child. Source: funny.allwomenstalk.com
9. “This too shall pass.” Time heals most wounds (or at least it dulls the pain). And in the case of something embarrassing, people have short attention spans. I can barely remember what happened yesterday, so I know this is true. Source: huffingtonpost.com
8. “Wow, that’s great sweetie!” I still have no idea what you just said, but you sounded excited so I went with it. Source: foreverymom.com
7. “Here, honey, use the hand sanitizer.” I don’t care if you just washed your hands. Do it! Source: wycd.cbslocal.com
6. “Can we talk about this later?” We will never talk about this later. I’m hoping you’ll forget. If you bring it up again, I will again suggest we talk about it later. This is something I just don’t want to get into, ever. Source: kidspot.com.au
5. “Is anything broken or bleeding?” Then you’re fine. Source: sheknows.com
4. “Did You _____?” Brush your teeth, wash your hands, clean your room, do your homework, kick your sister, say “thank you”?
Source: popsugar.com3. “Don’t forget …” your lunch, your homework, to be kind, where you’ve come from, where you want to go in life and that I love you.
Source: familyshare.com2. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” I am hoping that you won’t come up with anything to say at all for at least 30 seconds. Source: scarymommy.com
1. “Because I said so.” She cooks for you, cleans for you, and is the only reason you are here on this planet at all. YOU ARE INDEBTED TO YOUR MOM FOR LIFE. Therefore, she is ruler over you, and you have to do whatever she wants.
Source: smosh.com
These phrases definitely sound familiar to you. Maybe some of them sound too familiar that you can even hear your mom’s voice. It’s as if she’s right there in front of you.
There’s just no doubt that moms say the wackiest, wittiest, and most unforgettable phrases ever. If they don’t say it the way it is, then they wouldn’t be moms.
What’s the wackiest thing your mom has ever said?
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