Here are 11 crazy ways moms ruin everything for their teenage sons.
11. Use slang. Slang from the past is bad, but at least it’s expected.
10. Clap and scream loudly as you run with him up the soccer field.
9. Ask them to allow you to photograph them. Tween/teen girls are more into this.
8. Bumpin’ your jams. Everyone knows LL Cool J is hard as hell and must be played at full volume.
7. Flashy dressing. Jeans with “Poison” airbrushed on the backside have been unequivocally banned.
6. Bringing up uncomfortable topics. General discussions about girlfriends.
5. Allowing sibling antics and interaction to occur. Never mind that his sibling is the cute one all the girls like to talk to.
4. Showing up places unexpectedly. Teens don’t like being caught off-guard or feeling spied upon.
3. Yelling across a gymnasium filled with his peers to get his attention. Wellllll, if you would check your phone, you would know that it’s TIME TO GO!
2. Dancing. Running Man’ is a thing.
1. Public displays of affection. Especially between you and their other parent.
Actually, any kind of public display of affection from mom will really piss off a cool teenage son. He would rather be swallowed by the ground than to be kissed in public by his mom. That is a sure way any mom can totally ruin everything for her cool teenage son.
Even if it’s easy to be a cool teenage boy these days, it still takes a lot to be one. It takes a lot of work and sassiness to achieve total coolness. Unfortunately, mom can ruin it in a split of a second.
If you want to read more on how a mom can ruin everything for her cool teenage son, go and read this funny article. The article just proves that no matter how cool teenage boys are, moms will always be cooler.
Can you think of more ways moms ruin everything for their cool teenage sons?
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