Here the 10 insane thoughts moms have when their teenager invites friends over.
1. So is this a party… or a few friends? “I agreed on a few friends. This better not be a party.”
2. I shouldn’t have said OK. “This will not be OK. Is it too late to cancel? I still have a few days…”
3. Will it be awkward if I stay the whole time? “Will I have to go upstairs on the day of the party? I mean, I can’t leave them unsupervised.”
4. Do I have to plan activities? “Do teenagers even still play games?”
5. It’s going to be loud. It’s going to be SO loud. “Should I warn the neighbors?”
6. Must make a mental note to go grocery shopping…“Do they all eat as much as my kid?”
7. What if I don’t have enough food? “Is it ~even~ possible to actually have enough food?!”8. Are there going to be boys and girls at this party? “Because I cannot handle that.”
9. Do kids today still play Spin the Bottle? “There will be no kissing in my house.”
10. What about the cat? “He’s NOT going to like all these people in the house…”
11. They’re going to trash my house. I know they are. “Hopefully there will be one polite kid who will help clean up…”
12. Is it too late for me to run away? “Can’t it just be over?”
At this point, you’re wondering if there’s a way for you to possibly stop these insane thoughts. Unfortunately, there is no way. These insane thoughts automatically run through your head soon as your teenager starts to invite friends over.
To make matters worse, you will be having these insane thoughts up until your teenager matures into an adult. Heaven knows when that will be.
Even if you have all these insane thoughts going through your mind right now, you just have to realize that your teenage child is pretty excited about the whole thing. These parties are very important to your teenage child.
You may not understand it, but you just have to realize how much it all means to your child.
So the bottom line is you just have to live with these insane thoughts. After all, your child is not going be a teenager forever. This phase will pass. You don’t know when but it will.
In the meantime, you can only hope you survive all the anxieties that come with dealing with your teenager. While you’re dong that, why not read more about the 12 things moms usually worry about when their teenage child invites friends over. You will find the full article here.
Can you think of any more insane thoughts when it comes to your teenager partying at home?
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