Here are ten epic reasons why moms don’t feel appreciated.
10. Thinking that the goal is to make your family happy. You think that your job is to make sure your kids and your husband are happy. In fact, that’s likely why you do each of the nine things already mentioned. You want them to enjoy life. You want them to smile. You want to avoid unpleasantness. But in doing this, you’re likely inadvertently causing your own unhappiness, because you’ll feel taken for granted.
9. Eating in a rush–and not at the dinner table. Make dinner a family time. Keep conversation starters at the table. Ask trivia questions. Have everyone say their “high” and “low” for the day. Start some family traditions where you really connect and talk over dinner. It’s an important family time–don’t waste it.
8. Asking your children to do things instead of expecting it and following through. When you ask your kids something, do you make it a firm command? Or are you wishy washy?
7. Being disorganized. Sometimes the best way to feel less like a maid is to get a little more organized, so these crises don’t happen!
6. Over scheduling yourself and your family. If you’re busy and exhausted, you’ll feel like a maid. If your life is spent chauffeuring everybody, but rarely in the things that feed our souls, like down time with those we love, we’ll go through life with this chronic malaise like something’s wrong.
5. Rescuing everybody. Do you rescue everybody? There’s no problem with doing it occasionally, out of love. But if family members start assuming you’ll rescue them, they also stop taking responsibility or even making an effort. They’ve taken you for granted. That’s going to make you feel like a maid, too.
4. Picking up after everybody. Do you spend your life putting stray socks in the hamper and picking up toys? That’s exhausting–and can easily fuel resentment. But people will keep leaving stuff everywhere if you keep picking it up.
3. Allowing your children to treat you rudely. From an early age, make your children say “please” and “thank you”. If they talk back, discipline immediately. If they ask for anything rudely, they never, ever get it. Do not let them treat you with disrespect.
2. Not asking your husband for help. Try asking. It doesn’t always get you the results you need, but don’t be resentful if you’ve never even asked. Men often think that because we have systems for things, we would find their help more of a pain than anything else. If you want help, don’t expect him to read your mind. Ask.
1. Doing all the housework yourself. Housework is exhausting. It’s never ending, it’s tedious, and no one really says thank you. So why are you doing it all yourself?
The next time you feel unappreciated, stop blaming everybody because that’s not going to help at all. The best thing you can do is to give yourself a break and see how you’re treating yourself.
Of course you can be a Supermom, dealing with multiple tasks and problems on a daily basis. However, Supermoms always have their breaking point where they just can’t handle it and need to take a breather. Raising a family is quite difficult if you haven’t noticed!
So if you feel like you’re spreading yourself too thin, stop and ask for help. That way, your family would know how you truly feel.
The list of ten epic reasons why moms don’t feel appreciated is taken from tolovehonorandvacuum.com. You might want to go through the original list because it really explains why most moms feel very unappreciated.
Do you sometimes feel unappreciated?
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