Here are the 10 rocking reasons as to why you are super amazing mom.
1. You have kept your child alive. This is not a joke. Go, you.
2. You don’t know what you’re doing, but you do it anyway. The mantra of a good mom is “fake it till you make it.”
3. You’re scared, but you do it anyway. As the saying goes, the true sign of courage is being afraid and doing it anyway.
4. You’re an expert Googler. …now you can compare rashes and types of baby poop to separate a legit emergency from a new mom freakout.
5. You feed your baby all day long. …you’re a great mom.
6. You think about your baby all day long. …you’re a good mom.
7. You make your kids food. …making nutritious, delicious food for kids is really hard.
8. You feed your kid more than you feed yourself. You’re basically Mother Teresa.
9. You use your superhuman strength to cart your baby around. You are basically Iron Man.
10. You exercise superhuman patience in the face of tantrums. Every parent is tempted to freak out …If you don’t, you are a saint.
Surely you can relate to every single rocking reason on the list. From the day you had conceived your kid, you had been doing every single thing on the list.
You know what? Right up to this day as your kid is entering teenhood, you are still doing each and every thing on the list. So yes, you’re not only a good and great mom. You’re also Mother Teresa and Iron Man rolled into one. That makes you one super amazing mom!
So stop doubting yourself. You are a super amazing mom. Let your kids roll their eyes at you. Who cares? You definitely don’t because one day, they will realize how super amazing you are.
If you want to read the original list of the rocking reasons as to why moms are super amazing, go and read this article. You’re definitely going to say, that’s me you’re talking about. So enjoy reading the article and congratulations to you because you are a super amazing mom.
Can you add another rocking reason as to why moms are super amazing?
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